Widget sun path and position
Widgets map with sun path, generates the code to insert it into your site.
set default coordinates and map mode, then copy the code in your webpage
for other types of customizations (example: removal of advertising) you need to contact me by email:
For more detail post the list of parameters available for link:
# point (location coordinates).
(example: .....&point=51.508,-0.128 )
# modeMapH map mode
0 = points
1 = distance
2 = polyline
3 = area
4 = sun rays
5 = shadow
6 = circle
7 = sun path
8 = path + rays
9 = coordinates
(example: ...&modeMapH=7)
# year, month, day, hour and minute, the dafault is the current date.
(example: .....&year=2023&month=6&day=21&hour=12&minute=30)
# utc (UniversalTimeZone), default is the time zone of the selected location.
(example: ...&utc=2)
# dst (Daylight saving time) 1 yes, 0 no, default depend the day of the year.
(example: ...&dst=1)