set default coordinates and map mode, then copy the code in your webpage
for other types of customizations (example: removal of advertising) you need to contact me by email:
For more detail post the list of parameters available for link:
# point (location coordinates).
(example: .....&point=51.508,-0.128 )
# modeMapH map mode
0 = points
1 = distance
2 = polyline
3 = area
4 = sun rays
5 = shadow
6 = circle
7 = sun path
8 = path + rays
9 = coordinates
(example: ...&modeMapH=7)
# year, month, day, hour and minute, the dafault is the current date.
(example: .....&year=2023&month=6&day=21&hour=12&minute=30)
# utc (UniversalTimeZone), default is the time zone of the selected location.
(example: ...&utc=2)
# dst (Daylight saving time) 1 yes, 0 no, default depend the day of the year.
(example: ...&dst=1)