Coordinates conversion
Conversions latitude longitude geographic coordinates, in all formats: decimal, sexagesimal, GPS DD DM DMS degrees minutes seconds, search by clicking on map.
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How to convert from a decimal to sexagesimal
# You have decimal degrees (-73.9874°) instead of degrees, minutes, and seconds (-73° 59’ 14.64")
# The whole units of degrees will remain the same (-73.9874° longitude, start with 73°)
# Multiply the decimal by 60 (0.9874 * 60 = 59.244)
# The whole number becomes the minutes (59’)
# Take the remaining decimal and multiply by 60. (0.244 * 60 = 14.64)
# The resulting number becomes the seconds (14.64"). Seconds can remain as a decimal.
# Take your three sets of numbers and put them together, using the symbols for degrees (°), minutes (’), and seconds (") (-73° 59’ 14.64" longitude)
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How to convert from a sexagesimal to decimal
# You have degrees, minutes, and seconds (-73° 59’ 14.64") instead of decimal degrees (-73.9874°)
# The whole units of degrees will remain the same
# Divide the seconds by 60 (14.64/60 = 0.244)
# Sum the resulting to the minute and divide by 60 (59.244/60 = 0.9874)
# The resulting is the decimal value of degrees (0.9874)
# Sum the degrees to the decimal using the symbols for degrees (°) (-73.9874°)
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Value range
Valid value for the latitude are from -90.0° to 90.0° for the longitude are from -180.0° to 180.0°, the + sign should be omitted, while the minus sign is not necessary if there is a radio component to select the direction N-S or W-E (Degree and Decimal format).
You have to select a direction (N-S or W-E) and insert a number from 0 to 90 for the latitude or from 0 to 180 for the longitude (example 45.12345).
Degree format is composed of direction (N-S or W-E) and three sets of numbers separate by the symbols for degrees (°), minutes (’), and seconds (").
Degree is an integer value without sign, from 0 to 90 for the latitude or from 0 to 180 for the longitude. Minute is an integer value without sign, from 0 to 59. Seconds is a double value without sign, from 0 (or 0.0000) to 59.9999.
Coordinates format is the pair of latitude and longitude, with sign minus (-) for the direction south latitude and west longitude separate by comma symbol (,), here some example:
52.5163 , 13.3779
40.7682 , -73.9816
-22.9708 , -43.1830
Search on map
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to open the webpage Earth Coordinate, here you obtain the latitude and longitude simply by clicking on the map, and save the value by the button save.
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Latitude and Longitude have the maximum error in the equator, because the earth' radius is maximum.
The Earth is not a sphere, but an irregular shape approximating an ellipsoid. The accuracy of the longitude increases the further from the equator you get. The accuracy of the latitude remains almost unchanged.
The earth's radius at the equator is: 6378.160 km than the circumference is: (2*π*r) 40075.1612 km, each degree is: (40075.1612/360) 111.319 km.
Precision choice is of 5 decimal place is accurate to 1.11 meter (+/- 55.5 cm) at the equator.
places | decimal deg. | degrees | distance |
0 | 1.0 | 1°0’0" | 111.319 km |
1 | 0.1 | 0°6’0" | 11.132 km |
2 | 0.01 | 0°0’36" | 1.113 km |
3 | 0.001 | 0°0’3.6" | 111.3 m |
4 | 0.0001 | 0°0’0.36" | 11.13 m |
5 | 0.00001 | 0°0’0.036" | 1.11 m |
6 | 0.000001 | 0°0’0.0036" | 11.1 cm |
7 | 0.0000001 | 0°0’0.00036" | 1.11 cm |
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