Collection of tools to know and work with solar energy. Calculation of: sun position, latitude longitude coordinates, photovoltaic systems, emissions CO
![Photovoltaic payback](dp/images/dpPage42.gif) | | Economic analysis of a photovoltaic system, with the determination of payback and chart. ![Photovoltaic payback](dp/images/dpRight.gif) |
![Sun Position](dp/images/dpPage21.gif) | | Calculation of sun’s position in the sky for each location on the earth at any time of day. Azimuth, sunrise sunset noon, daylight and graphs of the solar path. ![Sun Position](dp/images/dpRight.gif) |
![CO<sub>2</sub> Emissions](dp/images/dpPage36.gif) | | Measure emissiones of CO2 per kWh of energy produced, or emissions in g/km of your car. Enter the kWh produced by a year the nation’s electricity mix. ![CO<sub>2</sub> Emissions](dp/images/dpRight.gif) |
![Unit of measure converter](dp/images/dpPage35.gif) | | Units measurement conversion: Length Area Volume Mass Force Power Energy Time Temperature Angle Speed Flow Acceleration Pressure Electrical Luminance ... ![Unit of measure converter](dp/images/dpRight.gif) |
![Measure on Map](dp/images/dpPage24.gif) | | Measure on google map: latitude longitude coordinates DD DMS, address and location, distance (km, meters, mile, foot), area, poliline, circle, perimeter. ![Measure on Map](dp/images/dpRight.gif) |
![Distance](dp/images/dpPage22.gif) | | Drag the marker on map to calculate distance (km, meters, mile, foot) and bearing angle of direction on google map, between two points of the earth. Calculation of average speed or time spent. ![Distance](dp/images/dpRight.gif) |
![Coordinates conversion](dp/images/dpPage33.gif) | | Conversions latitude longitude geographic coordinates, in all formats: decimal, sexagesimal, GPS DD DM DMS degrees minutes seconds, search by clicking on map. ![Coordinates conversion](dp/images/dpRight.gif) |
![Full interactive map](dp/images/dpPage26.gif) | | Tools on interactive map, sun path, sun rays, shadow, area, distance, polyline path, coordinates. ![Full interactive map](dp/images/dpRight.gif) |
![Sunrise Sunset Calendar](dp/images/dpPage37.gif) | | Calendar of sunrise sunset noon daylight of the sun at any location on the planet for an entire year. The table shows the time and azimuth in degrees. ![Sunrise Sunset Calendar](dp/images/dpRight.gif) |
![Build a sundial](dp/images/dpPage62.gif) | | Here you can building your sundial in a few minutes, get coordinates, declination and the dimension. ![Build a sundial](dp/images/dpRight.gif) |
![GPS trace](dp/images/dpPage27.gif) | | View and manage GPS track and waypoints on map, formats GPX, KML, KMX, TCX, CSV, Select your file and automatically will be process. ![GPS trace](dp/images/dpRight.gif) |
![Photovoltaic FAQ](dp/images/dpPage41.gif) | | This section lists the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on photovoltaic systems and in general the sources of renewable energy. ![Photovoltaic FAQ](dp/images/dpRight.gif) |